Boot Process

To word ‘boot’ is short for bootstrap, which was a strap attached to your boot that you could use to pull your boot on. The word is used as an analogy for the steps that a computer goes through to start working.

The boot process many functions are finished with the operating system being loaded as it is necessary for running all other programs.

Cold Boot

Performing a cold boot is just simply turning the computer back on by using the power button after it has been turned for some time. A cold boot completely shuts of the CPU, clearing away anything stuck in memory.

Warm  Boot

Warm booting is rebooting the operating system through the use of a certain key combination or through the option menu which restarts the computer. In a warm boot, the PC is turned on and then restarted which contrasts a cold boot where the PC is already powered off and turned on. Warm booting is used to install new software that may require a modification. The file system cannot be modified however when the software is in use, so warm booting restarts the computer which enables the file to be able to be updated.

Boot process continued below:

The Boot Process