Computer Components

Hardware Component:

CPU The CPU (Central Processing Unit), is the “Brain” of your computer. The Brain of the computer is the part that performs logical and arithmetical operations on the specified instructions given. It process all instructions by using basic arithmetical, cpulogical and input/output operations of the system. The form and design of the CPU has changed over the years however it’s operations has almost never changed. There are four parts to a CPU

  1. ALU: Is the fundamental building block of the CPU. Performs all arithmetic & logic instruction units ie. additions, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. All processors no matter how simple contain an ALU. ALU loads data from the input register, an external Control Unit gives the ALU instructions on what to do with the data, then the ALU stores results into an output register.
  2. Control Unit: The Unit in a CPU which works with the ALU and Memory. Gives computer system guidance to perform, execute, or store program instructions. Carry’s out functions  Fetch, Decode, Execute, and Store.
  3.   Registers: Acts as a temporary, faster, storage for data / instructions from the processor. Follows control unit (accept, hold, transfer, instructions) and performs given tasks quickly.
  4. Cache Memory: Aka CPU memory, this speeds up the processor. A part of memory that is super fast. A computer can access this quicker than it can access regular RAM. It is used for main memory as well as is very effective do to the fact that most programs access same commands repeatedly. Most of this info once kept in Cache Memory will affect and help the computer avoid accessing slower RAM.



Heat sink →  The Heat sink is the device that either has a fan or some sort of electric that keeps the machine from overheating. ie. keeps processors from    overheating. In a heat sink, there are two types. Active and Passive. The Active heat sink is usually a fan Image result for heat sinkinvolved device which use power. An Active heat sink is also known as a HSF, heat sink and fan. Passive heat sinks are heat sinks more reliable  than Active heat sinks by 100%. They don’t have any fan like components. It is a heat sink made of aluminum-finned radiators that use convection to scatter heat.





DVD    DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc aka Digital Video Disc. This is a standard Compact Disc that is capable of storing large amounts of information such as movies and other data. These usually requires a DVD drive or a software DVD player. 

Image result for dvd drive


HD →     HD, Hard drive or better known as HDD, hard disk drive, is a memory hardware than can still store information even when the power is off. This device permanently stores and claims information, the device itself varying in sizes between 3.5” and 2.5”, Image result for hard drivedepending on the device the hard drive is in. A hard drive includes one or more circular in shape plates that writes the data with help from a magnetic head. This is located in a case all sealed of air. The hard drive can store data such as, photos, music, movies, pictures, video, and text documents. operating systems of a computer use the hard drive to store files and for software that runs on the computer, also including files added to the pc by the user. 


RAM RAM stands for Random Access Memory. This is a hardware device that allows Image result for ram chipscomputers to claim and store information. The computer can access information much faster due to the fact that it randomly claims information unlike CDs which claim information in sequences. RAM won’t be able to receive information when power is off. When the computer is off, all data in RAM is lost.


Motherboard The Motherboard is the base of the computer,  located at the bottom of Image result for motherboardthe computer case. The motherboard distributes power to all the hardware components of a computer. This board allows other components of the computer to communicate and work together.



NorthbridgeThis is a chip that has the responsibility of communicating between CPU, Image result for northbridge
AGP, and the memory. 
the Northbridge is connected to these components often acting like a bridge. For example, when the CPU wants to claim data from RAM, the northbridge
memory controller receives a request from 
the two and replies with how long the process has to wait.




Southbridge →  This is a chip located on the motherboard and is responsible for the hard Image result for southbridgedrive controller, I/O controller and integrated hardware. The name Southbridge comes from its location south from the PCI which was created / used to allow easier to connect hardware to a computer. the Southbridge has a heat sink as well as the northbridge. The southbridge is slightly smaller in size compared to the northbridge. 


EEPROM →  EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) is a type of non-volatile memory. This means that the information is stored even after the power is switched on and off. EEPROM is used in several electronic devices to store small Image result for eepromamounts of data but also enabling a single byte to be programmed or erased. IDE  → The IDE short for Integrated Drive Electronics is a standard unit for compatible hard drives and CD/DVD drives. Each drive has an IDE controller which allows the drive to directly connect with the motherboard or controller. 


Power Power is the electricity a computer or any device uses in order to perform its many capable tasks. Generally power is converted from wall sockets which is then converted to the needed energies once reaching the device.


CASE This is the protective border /chassis which acts like a protective housing to the Image result for computer caseinsides of the computer. It protects and keeps the components of the computer organized.


LAN       Also known as Local – Area Network, this is a component that allows networking equipment or close computers to share information with one another, communicate, and using resources.   

Image result for computer fan


FAN → The fan works along side the heat sink keeping devices cool and preventing them from overheating. It circulates air to and from the computer’s components.



ROM ROM stands for Read- Only Memory. This is a device, any hardware, that has the Image result for romability to either keep information forever or for a short while before getting rid of it. It’s used with computers and other electronic devices. the information stored in ROM may only be read unlike RAM where computers can claim data. ROM unlike RAM can keep its data even when power is off, unlike RAM which loses everything once out of power.


BUS Bus AKA, Address bus, data bus, or local bus, acts as tunnel ways, which connect data between different devices connected to the computer. Bus allows computer processor to communicate with the memory. There are multiple wires in the bus which act as the address of these components and the memory location of where data is to be sent and claimed. each wire carries information. The more wires, more trips the bus has to make delivering information to addresses. There are two bus types, internal aka local bus and external aka expansion. Most today contain both types. Internal buses, allows communication between internal components i.e. memory whereas external buses communicate with external components i.e. USB. 

Image result for AGPAGPAlso known as Accelerated Graphics Port, is a much improved and advanced port mainly for video cards and 3-D accelerators. It allows a graphic controller direct contact to the memory of the system. Allows 3-D texts to be stored in the main memory rather than video memory. On the motherboard, this is located next to all the other expansion slots.


CHIPSET A group of tiny microchips whose main purpose is to work with one or more related functions.   


HDMI → This is short for High Definition Multimedia Interface. Which is a cable capable ofImage result for hdmi cable transferring high quality video and audio from one device to another.   Mainly used with devices like Projectors, DVD players, or Blu-ray players. The old versions required three cables, composite, audio & video cables. Now,  the single HDMI capable has three in one. This allows further connectivity to more than one device to be much easier.


CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN)Designed to allow micro-controllers to communicate with devices in applications without a main computer.